Graphique Pro Next Comp - CrеаtivеМаrкеt 117174
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The original Graphique Pro was designed by the famous Swiss designer Hermann Eidenbenz in 1945 and included one outline shadow style. His idea of a very narrow, very economic headline font became increasingly more popular over the last decades and since the recent trend of layered fonts his idea is more up-to-date than ever. profonts studio now took the idea of the Graphique Pro to its next level: Graphique Pro Next. This layered type family consists of 8 styles (separate offer for just 14$) which can be combined in plenty of ways to create unique designs. The fonts thereby preserve the outstanding and timeless drawings of the original Graphique Pro font and will add an aesthetic and fresh look to every project. Please have a look at the Graphique Pro Next Type Specimen for more details about the language support and font layer combinations.